Welcome to the Indiana
Vocational Rehabilitation Claim Payment System
This site is developed for the Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation vendors to submit claims for vocational rehabilitation services and products.
Join us from 3-4 PM EST for office hours to pop-in and get live answers on the Claim Payment System. See the flyer in our System News section to register!
IN VR Annual User Maintenance
Please see instructions on 'How to Manage Users' under the System News section for annual IN VR System Maintenance.
Important Links
Customer Service Center
Weekly Tips
This guide provides helpful tips to ensure vendors receive their 1099 form accurately and timely. For additional questions or concerns, contact the Customer Service Center: 1-833-475-3061.
Did you know you can add additional users, lock users and change user information for your VR-CPS account? Please watch this short video to learn more about how to manage users.
First, please ensure that it has been 5-10 days from the payment date listed. Payment will be from Public Consulting Group, Inc. If you are still unable to locate the payment, call the customer service center at 1-833-475-3061 or email INVRclaimpay@pcgus.com for further direction.
This guide provides helpful hints for accessibility to use the Claim Payment System.
Quick Guide to frequent questions
Vendor Registration
This link is NOT to add a user to your current account! Use this link to request a new registration account ONE TIME. If you do not receive and email with your username and password, contact VRVendor@fssa.in.gov DO NOT request a 2nd account.
Current IRS W9 form
Use this link to request a bidder #.
Select the above link if you need to register for a DUNS number or look up your DUNS #.
Business vendors use Federal ID # when doing business.
System News
Join us for office hours to pop-in and get live answers on the Claim Payment System. Register for March 27th!
This document provides instructions on 'How to Manage Users' for annual IN VR System Maintenance.
VR Forms
The Authorization Request form is an OPTIONAL form that can be used to request additional hours or a new authorization for services.
The Discovery Profile is used during discovery activities. This form must be emailed to the the VR General Mailbox within 10 business days of the next month.
The Monthly Progress Summary (MPS) is utilized to document for hourly services. This form must be sent to the local VR General E-mail within 10 business days of the following month.
The Job Development and Placement Plan is used after the completion of discovery. The form is used to plan for job development and placement.
The Notice of Job Offer (NOJO) is utilized when a participant has accepted a job offer. The completed form should be e-mailed to the local VR General E-mail as soon as an offer is received.